This is for you, Rich - in and for YOUR honor ...the good, the bad - happy and sad are truly missed, ya big pain in the ass.

Rich was only 42 years old when he died - this is his legacy.

Please feel free to add to this blog.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hi Rich.......

Hey you....
So Kat's back from her adventure in the Mt Shasta wilderness-broken arm and all. Of course, I already knew that you knew that..duh.

Sooo.... how beautiful is little Zoe? That girl is going to be magnificent. 

Chloe and Zoe..xoxoxxo

 Me and Zoe...she looks like Chloe with Chinese eyes ( okay Native American...close enough)

Do you remember how Chloe and Daphne were as babies - Chloe was speaking in full sentences by the the age of one. Well, this little baby is just like her mama-brilliant. Chloe is a wonderful mother, she is just like I was - meticulous, somewhat of a perfectionist.

Chloe and Taylor
By the way, Taylor just got accepted into the K9 unit....impressive. 

Jack, Daphne, Chloe and Taylor...last summer during family VA-CAY Bear Island.
These guys look like a damned Hallmark card...lots of white teeth and perfect

Daphne is something else-she has an immense amount of drive and ambition fueled by a very quick and intelligent mind. That child of ours has the capacity to achieve great things-I'm excited to see how her life unfolds. Not to mention that it seems that she has inherited my ultra bitch qualities-fortunately, she still maintains a genuine sense of fairness. 
Beautiful..Daph's self portrait

One of my favorites...Henry took this one (Julian's friend)

Uncle Ian and Zoe...a very proud and protective uncle.

Ian....OMG, he is so much like you. I love it-what a little charmer...a little awkward in the ladies department but....I think he will be fine. With Kat and Tito (my newest adoptive, Ian has a wonderful support. He is on Varsity Lacrosse and has been on the honor roll all year. I'm super proud of him, he is really working hard. Of course, I insist that he go to college like his sisters...after that, he can do whatever he wants as long as it's the right thing to do. With Chloe and Daphne as sisters, he doesn't really have a choice but to do the right thing. 

We all miss you so much, it's been such a struggle and I would give anything to have you back with us.  I could really use your help with Ian-he is at that age where he needs his dad. You were always good like that and I knew that I could count on you to  be there for those children. Sigh...I  really miss hearing your voice, seriously-I do. 

Do you believe...I miss your mother? You know when we saw her that summer-Daphne and I knew that something was wrong....all that anger that I was carrying was gone in an instant. I realized that she had never recovered from your loss-she was sad. Out of concern, Daphne was ready to move to NY so that she could take care of her. It was within a month that she was in the hospital...dying. Chloe came home and we headed to NY so the kids could see her for the last time. I called Katrina and brought her to the hospital-they made peace...which was nice. 


Regarding the matter of your passing things are moving along slowly, as expected. Any help would be greatly appreciated...we are all holding so tight to our grief - it's exhausting. Our children have been so incredibly strong yet, I know that underneath the facade-I sense a sweltering rage. Sometimes it scares me and I can feel my own suppressed rage bubbling up. 
Sigh again....

We love you very much....Please be vigilant and watch out for our children and grandchild...uggh, can you believe it-we are grandparents? 

Thank God for laser surgery, chemical peels et al. 


Remember this picture...Daphne managed to get this from your mom before she died. I am so happy that we have it.
Back in the day
Richard the 5th Precinct NYPD 1989