This is for you, Rich - in and for YOUR honor ...the good, the bad - happy and sad are truly missed, ya big pain in the ass.

Rich was only 42 years old when he died - this is his legacy.

Please feel free to add to this blog.

Monday, December 14, 2009

nothing's changed..

it's 19 months since you left me. And still, the sadness grief and longing for you is immeasurable, beyond words. It only gets worse during Christmas, our fav. I'm beginning to accept the fact that this is the way it's gonna be. The question is if I can accept and live with it, and pretend everything's ok...


  1. My name is Al. A long time ago Richie and I worked together in the 5th. I am sorry for your loss.

  2. Hi - My name is Eddie Gomez and I knew Rich from our elementary school days (PS 19). We took catechism class and did our Holy Communion together. I was on FaceBook today and was looking up old friends and came across this blog when I typed his name. It's been MANY years since I've seen Rich. It ruined my day to find out that he has passed away. I am truly sorry for your loss.
